Thursday, April 14, 2005

from the truth...

"from untruth lead us to the Truth, from darkness lead us to the Light, from death lead us to Immortality." For years I chanted this mantra without truly being aware of whom I was chanting it to. I love chanting, it feels good.

Something changed a couple of months ago. I started chanting to my heart. I decided to change the pitch of my chants until I could feel them resonating in my Heart chakra...and miracles started to happen. For the first time in my life, I felt detached from 'unhappy' or pain-causing situations. I felt like I was transcending the Maya that so many talk about. I was able to prepare and cleanse myself emotionally, mentally, physically to let go of all that which caused Cancer in this body and go through the needed physical process of surgery and recovery. I'll be honest with you, going through that was relatively easy compared to sifting through what I want out of a relationship. I find it interesting, and and incredible revelation. It is good to know one's weaknesses.

I tell you, once I noticed this, I decided to make a change and be strong for once. I am in control of my destiny, I am a co-creator with my Creator. There is nothing that limits me except myself. Even the so-called limitations of karma are nothing if one is truly committed to manifesting nothing but the Divine Light. How blessed was I to overcome cancer so easily, and be so protected? I don't like being told that 'you're living through your karma'. I'm not. I'm living through my LIGHT--karma is nothing compared to sincere constant seeking of manifestation of divinity. I'm here to tell you this loud and clear. Do not allow your circumstances to dictate who you are or what you'll be. Only your heart, the seat of your Divinity, has the authority to do so.

In Love,


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