Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The twinkle in my eye

It's been almost five years since I needed to share my heart with the world at large.

Since I learned to smile from the heart (see last post) I have:

  • Become a doctor of chinese medicine and roam around sticking needles in people
  • NOT had cancer (yay!)
  • Opened up a successful Wellness Center full of lovely people we've been able to help
  • Married my half orange (read: soul mate, best husband ever, super Sifu and the love of my life)
  • Decided to become a mother.
Yep. You read that right. I officially have a twinkle in my eye. Some of you might think it's a scratch on my glasses (yes, there is a HUGE scratch - more about this later), but there is a twinkle behind it. I call this twinkle Ming Mei.

Now, my husband has issue with Ming Mei's name, namely (heh) because Ming Mei just happens to be my name (Akemi, which is Japanese) in Chinese.

Confused? Read on.

In spite of the fact that I am Venezuelan by birth, that I have a Japanese name, and that I practice Chinese Medicine, I want to name my child after...ME!

You might call me egotistical (and some of you undoubtedly will, those of you who know me well, at least), but it actually runs in the family. See, my Abuela Irma (mom's mami) named my mother after herself. Unfortunately, my own mami is not fond of her name. She goes by the very cool name Coromoto. But call her Corito.

Fortunately, I love my name! And I love the Chinese version just as well.

I will probably get outwitted by my zen master husband, but until then, and hopefully until Ming Mei is born (sometime in late 2012), she is stuck with her pretty name.


Angie said...

I am confused! Are you pregnant? Can't'd be due before the end of 2012! And what if little Ming Mei is a boy?
Aside from the confusion on my part, a very lovely blog...and you'll be a wonderful mom!!

akemi said...


Not pregnant. I will be writing on how I will be preparing myself over the next 12 months to become pregnant.

If Ming Mei is a boy, he'll be called Ming :) at least until my husband comes up with another name.

Thank you for your kindness! I am very excited.

Indantatia said...

So what you're saying is I need to be moved up to Gainesville by mid 2012? Assuming the world doesn't end by then :P

akemi said...

So glad you got the point, darling.

(Get it? Point? Cause I'm an acupuncturist?...hehe)

Unknown said...

Akemi, I wish you sunshine and rainbows on all you do, particularly now this lovely journey of beginning to begin life with your fortunate little one.

A Buddhist abbess from Taiwan told me that Mei Mei is the affectionate term for "little one" in Chinese, so Ming Mei might be close to that.

In order to bring her Daddy's representation in, your challenge now could be to find a Greek name which would fit beautifully with some form of Ming Mei, or just one of those.

At any rate, Amitofo (I see the light within you). You will both work it out together, I think. Blessings!