Monday, May 02, 2005

knowing that God exists

I was very, very sick about a month ago. I'm only beginning to appreciate just how ill my body was. The thing was, that I was so engrossed in being, just existing that I didn't notice much. I wasn't very miserable at all. In fact-I was only miserable those first 2 days after surgery. Ha. It all stopped once I threw up my Percocet :) Haven't been on anything ever since-and I've felt great!

Truly-I was very much in shock. But I was in a place emotionally and spiritually that allowed me to exist in a cocoon of LOVE. Every time I opened my eyes someone lovingly spoke to me. Every time I closed them they prayed over me.

Knowing that God exists is a tricky state. It's been a lively debate topic since the dawn of mankind, and it doesn't look like it's going to end any time soon.

How do I know? It's quite simple. However, our crazy-ass computer minds love to gather data and make it run sprints across our conciousness; every day just parading back and forth often conflicting information. Then for the heck of it, tantalizing us with things, desires, that we don't really want but entertain our mind, thus focusing our life energies on something other than really living.

When I really want to get in touch with God, to know whether Divinity exists, I remember how I know: I'm here.

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