Friday, May 20, 2005

A Divine Blessing

I was intimately involved in the treatment of a lady this morning at school and it drove home one of the many blessings granted to me. Words are truly an inferior mode of communication when it comes to light and love, because I do not see how I can relate to you what occurs between patient and practitioner.

Imagine this: Every day you wake up, happy and refreshed, excited. You go to work and are met by beings from every walk of life: young, old, student, teacher, farmer, executive. They come to you of their own free will, and allow you to discover their aches, their sorrows. You are the beneficiary of the gift flowing from their eyes-those windows into their souls. Slowly, as you develop a more intimate relationship, they look at you differently. You can see this transition within the span of one treatment: there is wonder in their eyes, because perhaps for the first time ever someone, anyone, is looking at them like a unique precious gift that deserves to be well, cared for, and loved.

This is my privilege: to love, care for, and look into the eyes of the most precious beings imaginable.

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