Monday, June 26, 2006

Thank you friends

I have my whole life ahead of me. My last relationship made me realize how quick I am to hand my life over to another person.”Sure! I’ll be with you and plan my life along with yours.” I do this without a true foundation. I need to respect myself better than that. I AM respecting myself better than that. I am worth it. For the first time I am allowing myself to feel the appreciation and love of those who surround me. I am not doubting myself...this is starting to feel like a hallmark commercial, but it is groundbreaking for me.

Is the outside world truly a reflection of what is going on inside us? I’ve been experiencing the results of this experiment. I hope I allow myself to stay this way, and not revert back to the old way of being. This is a very critical point in my life, in my career. I can be proud of myself, and my family and friends. At this point, with everything that has been going on at school and home, I can truly see character in those surrounding me.

Thank you, friends.

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