Saturday, June 04, 2005


I AM a messenger of Divine Will. Beloved of my Heart, Let my life be the message.

This past Friday a beloved friend gave me a most precious gift: a labradorite pendant and earrings. The pendant has a silver Messenger Angel plate over the stone. The second it touched my body my whole reality shifted. This past couple of weeks have been rather intense, and I've had difficulty processing my lessons and walking forward. I've asked for help. My third chakra has felt especially tight/out of balance and I've asked my Beloved for healing Light and counsel.

I am protected and provided for by the receptive power of the Universe.

Gratefulness for this wonderful Earth Mother blossoms in my heart, for she so gracefully supplies my every need.


I find myself definitely more connected to my inner Beauty, to that Divine Goddess that whispers enticingly. Her eyes are dark, mysterious and mischiveous. There are gold and silver bangles flashing from her arms, and delicate bells that joyously sing as she dances to the Universe Song. She is courage, grace, clarity, strength and suppleness. She is me.

I leave you with an inspiring message breathing in my Heart from Sri Sathya Sai Baba:

Love is my form, truth is my breath, bliss is my food
My life is my message, expansion is my life
No reason for love, no season for love, no birth, no death .

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