Sunday, January 22, 2006


Sita once remarked, "In one form I am Sita. In another, I am Rama." In the tender chaos occurring in my being, I am realizing the concurrent manifestation of Shiva-Shakti, or Rama-Sita, Radha-Krishna, of Yin and Yang. Divine Mother is allowing every atom to stretch further than it ever has, for yin and yang to separate, so that I may realize its innate wholeness.

I weep. I laugh. I jump on my bed. Lay on the floor. Sing blissfully and dance in awakening. I sit quietly with nothing to say.

This morning I saw the Goddess manifesting in every woman. Her radiant Beauty, inner Strength and compassionate Manifestation swept across my vision. It may only have happened for 2 seconds, but I was so gratefully blessed with that Divine vision.

I worry about nonsensical possibilities. When I remember that, in moments like this one...I can't even think anymore.

This very moment the Sun shines on my skin. I hear the murmur of traffic, and the gentle song of our avian friends.

Gaze now, astonished lovers,
on the friends of supreme Love,
who manifest again and again
to purify and dissolve the world of limitation.
The very earth is trembling beneath the thunderous dance
of this Divine and human love.


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