Sunday, September 04, 2005

Ocean Playfulness

I'm shifting and shifting day in and day out. I feel like an orange that's just begun to ripen and is releasing a sweet fragrance. I feel enchantingly magnetic and joyous. While I've wondered why I haven't magnetized (found) the person I 'want' to be with, I've only just realized that what I'm magnetizing is perhaps more precious: angels, devas, fairies, dimensions and dolphins. I laugh as I write this and wonder if everyone who reads this believes I'm insane. It matters not, for I laugh, and I live, and I love and I serve.

I've finished reading 'Illusions, The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah' by Richard Bach, and I highly reccomend it. It is an amazing work, a plainly beautiful story and enchanting messages richly embedded within.

I made friends with the ocean today. We traveled to St. Augustine Beach, and I jumped in as soon as I got there. It was very choppy and hard to stay in. The temperature was perfect, but there was a dark cloud over me. After 20 minutes I decided to chant 9 Gayatri Mantras (Om Bhurvuvah Swaha Tatsa Vitur Varenyam Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi Diyoyo'Nah Prachodayat) in honor of the water element and its ability to sustain us and endure our neverending ungratefulness and punishment. With each chant, the water got calmer, smoother, the tide rose smoothly and gracefully. The waves began to embrace me and I allowed myself to float, knowing that I would be most lovinly cradled in my Mother's arm. I played with the ocean for an hour, and will never be the same again. Thank you God.

Lokaa Samasthaa Sukhino Bhavantu.

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