Tuesday, April 19, 2005

something new

i've been reading Daniel Ladinsky's "Love Poems from God" for about 3 days straight...over, and over and over...and I find myself trembling and excited. I feel like I'm at the verge of some great cataclysmic event that will forever change my molecular structure. As I was tossing in my sleep last night, I thought: should I seek comfort in my Lover's face? The thought faded...a few minutes later it hit me that this was something I should really look into. I wrote this poem today:

I trembled in tortured ecstasy for
You, Wise One.

An earthquake overtook my cells the
other night while I contemplated the following
thought: Should I seek comfort in my Lover's face?

While I wanted to so badly my cells
jumped at the chance,
I've never felt closer
to feeling what those great saints have.

I've become addicted to desire.

Don't worry, Luminous One.
My addiction is strictly for that sweet
nectar Your luscious and almost vulgar
breasts promise they have.


Anonymous said...

Uyuyuyyyyyyy, oiga mire venga y vea no se ni que decir! Estoy anonadada de tanta profundidad!...
Seriamente, tu indagacion es muy valiosa y si mantienes tu ser abierto a recibir, estoy segura de que la Divinidad bendicira tu entrega y tu esfuerzo por obtener la Verdad. OSR, TA.

akemi said...

you're pretty.