Tuesday, May 10, 2005

birth and creation

There are universes yet to be born inside of me.

At night, when I close my eyes and breathe in synchronization with SOHAM (I AM), I feel world upon world gently growing with every beat of my heart.

Why do we say that living this life is our only destiny? As Hafiz laughingly proclaimed: "Our Destiny is to turn into Light!" There are endless possibilities.

There are universes yet to be born inside of me.


Anonymous said...

Kalil Gibran once said, “The poet is he who makes you feel, after reading his poem, that his best verses have not yet been composed.” Perhaps this can be extended to something along the lines of “Who truly lives is she who makes you feel that within her are still better universes waiting to be born.” The beginnings of a thought…

akemi said...

thank you.